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Cable Lockout Hasp

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  • Material – ABS with metallic insulated cable
  • Economical cable lockout easy to carry as it is lighter in weight, it can resolve the purpose of multiple application like cable locking as well as group isolation like hasp and other safety devices.
  • It can be useful for lockout the electrical as well as mechanical installed devices hence it is a versatile device in nature and then Tagout by an authorized person. 
  • Insulated steel cable and multipurpose lock body is metallic from inside that is coated with ABS material having totally six holes for group lockout.
  • Solid steel die cut is available to insert and hold the insulated cable
  • Insulated steel Cable with one sided loop – length 2 mtr, thickness 5 mm or as per the requirement
  • Color – Standard color Red or can make any color as per the quantity required.
  • Complete Outer Size of multipurpose lock- length 147 mm, width of upper part is 10 mm and lower wide part is 13 mm, internal Hole diameter – 8 mm
  • Weight – 70 gm of lock, 50 gm of cable so total weight is 120 gm

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